A Cattlerap song is created by adding a hiphop beat to a cattle auctioneering video. The genre was invented in 2011 by musician David Kamp with this clip. Cattlerap became a thing in May 2014 with the clips shown below featuring auctioneer extraordinaire Rhett Parks of Whitewood Livestock and others. After going viral with many hundred million combined views on various social platforms, the phenomenon and Rhett Parks got featured on Oprah and other TV shows, leading to live gigs of Rhett performing cattle rap on stage, and a TV ad campaign for MARS bar starring Rhett Parks in 2016. In 2016/2017 a new generation of beatmakers picked up the idea and it all went viral again with new accounts setting beats to auctioneering videos like auctioneerbeats among others.

Lets see where the genre goes next!


"I want this to be a thing. setting rap beats to auctioneers." - Wardrich
"Seriously. I have watched this like 15 times today" - CHSimonsen
"Some things on the fucking internet, man...." - somethinking
"worst beat ever. sounds like my attempts at using the first version of garage band in high school." - Shigy
"Flow too wet, nobody close to it" - YourDixieWrecked
"They are definitely throwing in random fucking "bibbideys" I'm not crazy." - CraftingMan
"This track is way harder than Snow - Informer" - Csoltis
"If I were a black male who drives a pickup truck, or a rebellious teenager from the deep south,
this is what I would be bumping daily, with the windows down and the seat back" - Mikeybmikey11
"Really feeling his second verse about how something is 8 then goes to 875. Shit was mad real." - ari_matthew
"Excellent use of cowbell" - Datmexicanguy

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